Panavia Tornado IDS | | The multi-national Tornado Interdictor Strike (IDS) aircraft remains one of the most important combat aircraft in Europe. Different versions of attack, reconnaissance, and suppression of defense have played a major role during recent military operations.
Development of the Tornado by the UK, West Germany and Italy began in 1968, with the first flight with the prototype in 1974 and service delivery starting in 1979. Production was discontinued in 1998. It is currently in service with all three countries that developed it. Saudi Arabia is the only export customer. Nearly 1,000 of these aircraft were produced.
The RAF force currently consists of eight frontline units primarily assigned to the conventional long-range ground attack/interdiction role. Also has a special mission consisting of maritime attack (GR.1B), suppression and defense reconnaissance (GR.1A).
Since 1999 the RAF has received the GR.1 upgraded to the GR.4 standard with a new cockpit appearance, compatibility with thermal imaging air laser marking pods for autonomous precision-guided munitions delivery, integration of night vision goggles with infrared and an upgraded self-defense suite. The recon configured GR.1A is also upgraded as the GR.4As.
Panavia Tornado IDS |
The Luftwaffe has 276 IDS aircraft currently assigned to five wings. The aircraft underwent a comprehensive midlife update similar to the RAF's GR.4 program which also added a Litening targeting pod and a towed radar feed. New weapons include the BLU-109 and GBU-22 Paveway III laser-guided bombs, the KEPD 350 Taurus tactical cruise missile and the IRIS-T short-range air-to-air missile for self-defense.
The Marineflieger currently has a wing with about 50 IDS aircraft assigned to conventional attack, anti-ship (with Cormorant anti-ship missiles), defense suppression (with HARM) and reconnaissance missions.
The Italian Air Force has three groups of IDS fighter-bombers, one of which is assigned an anti-ship role with Cormorants missiles. Italy converted 16 aircraft to standard IT ECR with special electronics and HARM for the defense suppression role.
Panavia Tornado IDS |
Saudi Arabia is the only surviving export customer of the 82 aircraft assigned to three units, one of which operates 12 reconfigured Tornadoes. Recently Saudi Arabia upgraded about 80 aircraft.